De laatste grote utopie

CID: 1976
An article on Constant's New Babylon project announcing the two exhibitions: Constant. Space + Colour at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art Amstelveen and Constant - New Babylon. Na ons de vrijheid at Kunstmuseum both running from May 28 till September 25.

De laatste grote utopie

CID: 1976
An article on Constant's New Babylon project announcing the two exhibitions: Constant. Space + Colour at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art Amstelveen and Constant - New Babylon. Na ons de vrijheid at Kunstmuseum both running from May 28 till September 25.

De laatste grote utopie

CID: 1976
An article on Constant's New Babylon project announcing the two exhibitions: Constant. Space + Colour at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art Amstelveen and Constant - New Babylon. Na ons de vrijheid at Kunstmuseum both running from May 28 till September 25.

Constant – Ruimtelijk ontwerp voor een betere maatschappij

CID: 2053
Review of the exhibitions Constant. Space + Colour. From Cobra to New Babylon and Constant - New Babylon. To Us, Liberty.

De ideale wereld volgens Constant

CID: 2007
Four out of five stars for both Constant exhibitions, Constant. Space + Colour. From Cobra to New Babylon in the Cobra Museum and Constant - New Babylon. To Us, Liberty in Kunstmuseum Den Haag.

Tweemaal Constant Nieuwenhuys

CID: 2060
Review of the exhibitions Constant. Space + Colour. From Cobra to New Babylon and Constant - New Babylon. To Us, Liberty.

We leven allemaal in Constants New Babylon

CID: 2049
Announcement of the exhibitions Constant. Space + Colour in Cobra Museum of Modern Art and Constant - New Babylon in Kunstmuseum Den Haag.

Constant. Ruimte + kleur

CID: 2033
Announcement of exhibition Constant. Space + Colour at the Cobra Museum on

Durf eens een bunker door te zagen

CID: 2129
Article on how Constant's New Babylon is an inspiration to the multidisciplinairy studio RAAAF (Rietveld Architecture-Art-Affordances), by Henny de Lange.

Werk kunstenaar Constant in de spotlights

CID: 2002
Press release of Constant. Space + Colour and Constant - New Babylon. To Us, Liberty in Het Parool.

Adri, Constant en de weg naar de onbekende stad

CID: 2094
Interview with Adri Duivesteijn in anticipation of his opening speech for the exhibition Constant - New Babylon. To Us Liberty at Kunstmuseum Den Haag on Saturday May 28, 2016.

Constant in Cobra Museum en Gemeentemuseum

CID: 7122
Announcement of the exhibition Constant: Space + Colour. From Cobra to New Babylon at the Cobra Museum and Constant - New Babylon. To Us Liberty in Kunstmuseum Den Haag (formerly known as Gemeentemuseum Den Haag) in 2016.


CID: 2404
Review of the exhibition Constant. Nueva Babilonia at Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid, October 28, 2015 till February 29, 2016.

Twee exposities rond kunstenaar Constant

CID: 1966
Press release on the exhibitions Constant. Space + Colour in the Cobra Museum and Constant - New Babylon in Kunstmuseum Den Haag from May 28 till September 25, 2016.

Ontdek de twee tentoonstellingen van Gemeentemuseum Den Haag en Cobra Museum voor Moderne Kunst

CID: 2061
Review of the exhibitions Constant. Space + Colour. From Cobra to New Babylon and Constant - New Babylon. To Us, Liberty.


CID: 1965
Items spotted at the Design Fair in Milan mentioning the IJhorst table designed by Constant for Spectrum Design in 1953, now taken into reproduction.

Grootschalige tentoonstelling New Babylon

CID: 2057
Announcement of the exhibition Constant - New Babylon. To Us, Liberty at Kunstmuseum Den Haag.


CID: 7693
Review of the exhibition Constant. Nueba Babilonia at Museo Reina Sofia in Madrid, from 20 October, 2015 till 29 February, 2016 by Karen Kurczynski for ArtForum. Photo: Foreground- Grote gele sector (Large Yellow Sector), 1967. Background- Entrée du labyrinth (Entrance to the Labyrinth), 1972

New Babylon - Adidas

CID: 7138
“It is obvious that a person free to use his time for the whole of his life, free to go where he wants, when he wants, cannot make the greatest use of his freedom in a world ruled by the clock and the imperative of a fixed abode. As a way of life Homo Ludens will demand, firstly, that he responds to his need for playing, for adventure, for mobility, as well as all the conditions that facilitate the free creation of his own life. […]” – Constant Nieuwenhuys Performance by Gianna Gi Written and directed by Jonas Hegi

Ya vendrán tiempos propicios

CID: 2069
On Constant and New Babylon.

De Poort van Constant is er nog

CID: 1964
Letters from readers after an article in Het Parool mistakingly claims that De Poort van Constant is not around anymore, Het Parool, February 20, 2016

Constant y su influencia, a debate en el Reina Sofía

CID: 2041
Announcement of the debate with Anthony Vidler for architects on Constant. Nueva Babilonia at Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid.

Tom Haartsen | Photographer

CID: 2771
In this interview for the Oral History Project of Fondation Constant photographer, Tom Haartsen speaks about his work with Constant taking photo's of his paintings and watercolors and his personal memories of him. Interviewer: Karel Ankerman Audio of the full interview, executed and documented in Dutch, is available in the archive for research purposes. Email Kim van der Horst for more information.

'De Stad' als Nieuw Babylon

CID: 2229
Part of my work is humanising technique, like New Babylon (1959-1974) by Constant. According to Constant technique is not an alienating mode but a way to bring man closer to its nature. Homo ludens.