Title Sort descending Year Technique Material Collection CID
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Csárdás, 1969 Csárdás 1969 Watercolour aluminum paint, crayon, gouache, paper, pencil 47.2cm x 62.2cm Private collection, NL 2585
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Cycliste tombé, 1950 Cycliste tombé 1950 Oil painting linen, oil paint 75.0cm x 79.9cm Collection Groninger Museum, NL 287
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Cymbalist, 1972 Cymbalist 1972 Watercolour gouache, paper 35.7cm x 46.7cm Private collection, NL 4345
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Cyrano, 1992 Cyrano de Bergerac 1992 Graphic Work aquatint, etching 13.8cm x 12.1cm Collection Fondation Constant, NL 729
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Cyrano déclare son amour, 1976 Cyrano déclare son amour 1976 Oil painting linen, oil paint 140.0cm x 150.0cm Collection Fondation Constant, NL 21
Constant Nieuwenhuys-D.A.F. De Sade vers la fin de sa vie, 1978 D.A.F. De Sade vers la fin de sa vie 1978 Watercolour paper, watercolour 39.0cm x 30.0cm Private collection, NL 2354
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Dakloos, 1996 Dakloos 1996 Watercolour paper, watercolour 58.0cm x 43.0cm Collection unknown 3025
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Dame met hondje, 1987 Dame met hondje 1987 Watercolour paper, watercolour 52.0cm x 38.5cm Private collection, NL 2919
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Damit Ihr Geld eine Zukunft hat, 1972 Damit Ihr Geld eine Zukunft hat 1972 Collage newspaper, paper 40.9cm x 30.3cm Private collection 2473
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Danser, 1968 Danser 1968 Graphic Work color lithograph 51.6cm x 37.0cm Collection Fondation Constant, NL 880
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Danser met vogel, 1971 Danser met vogel 1971 Graphic Work aquatint, etching 9.6cm x 12.7cm Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL 730
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Danseuse, 1994 Danseuse 1994 Watercolour paper, watercolour Collection unknown 2368
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Das blaue Kind, 1962 Das blaue Kind 1962 Oil painting linen, oil paint 100.0cm x 109.0cm Collection Kunstmuseum Bochum, DE 2611
Constant Nieuwenhuys-Das Leben, 1972 Das Leben 1972 Collage newspaper, paper 38.8cm x 26.8cm Collection Fondation Constant, NL 93
Constant Nieuwenhuys-De Alchemist, 1971 De alchemist 1971 Graphic Work dry point needle, etching, printing plate 11.2cm x 12.1cm Collection Fondation Constant, NL 133
Constant Nieuwenhuys-De bader, 1993 De bader 1993 Graphic Work aquatint, etching 12.7cm x 17.7cm Collection Fondation Constant, NL 907
Constant Nieuwenhuys-De Balspelers, 1974 De Balspelers 1974 Oil painting linen, oil paint 90.0cm x 94.0cm Collection Eva Nieuwenhuys, NL 2315
Constant Nieuwenhuys-De balspelers, 1972 De balspelers 1972 Watercolour crayon, graphite, paper, watercolour 78.0cm x 115.0cm Collection De Bruin-Heijn, NL 1273
Constant Nieuwenhuys-DE BEELDHOUWER-1, 1993 DE BEELDHOUWER 01 1993 Portfolio vernis mou 19.1cm x 12.7cm Collection Fondation Constant, NL 674
Constant Nieuwenhuys-DE BEELDHOUWER-2, 1993 DE BEELDHOUWER 02 1993 Portfolio vernis mou 18.5cm x 13.1cm Collection Fondation Constant, NL 675
Constant Nieuwenhuys-DE BEELDHOUWER-3, 1993 DE BEELDHOUWER 03 1993 Portfolio vernis mou 19.0cm x 14.0cm Collection Fondation Constant, NL 673
Constant Nieuwenhuys-DE BEELDHOUWER-4, 1993 DE BEELDHOUWER 04 1993 Portfolio vernis mou 19.0cm x 14.1cm Collection Fondation Constant, NL 676
Constant Nieuwenhuys-De bekering van Venus, 1979 De bekering van Venus 1977 Oil painting linen, oil paint 150.0cm x 190.0cm Collection K. van Stuijvenberg on loan to Cobra Museum of Modern Art, Amstelveen, NL 177
Constant Nieuwenhuys-De berenleidster, ca 1972 De berenleider 1984 Watercolour paper, watercolour 21.5cm x 28.7cm Collection ProWinko, NL 1136