
Moravagine is a Blaise Cendrars (1887–1961) novel, published by Grasset en 1926. It is[1] a complex opus, with a central figure (the Moravagine character) like a dark persona of the author which he gets rid of through writing. Its genesis took a decade (with Cendrars hinting at it as early as 1917) and Cendrars never stopped working on it.
Several sketched for the oil painting L'ultima cena, 1979.
Circa 1979.
Winterreise (Winter Journey) is a cycle of 24 songs by Frans Schubert (op. 89, D. 911). The first part of twelve songs was finished February 1927. The second part in October of that year. The Guidepost is song number 20.
Was vermeid' ich denn die Wege,
Wo die ander'n Wand'rer geh'n,
Suche mir versteckte Stege,
Durch verschneite Felsenhöh'n ?
Circa 1978