Chien [I]

39.1cm x 52.1cm
charcoal, ink, paper, watercolour
Private collection, NL
CID: 2931

Circa 1982

De cymbalist

43.0cm x 31.0cm
paper, watercolour
Private collection, NL
CID: 1244

Circa 1982

De executie

13.6cm x 11.6cm
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Dordrechts Museum, NL
CID: 134

Editions: 210 [190 & XX]

De feeks

13.6cm x 14.1cm
vernis mou
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. Donation from the Golda and MeyerMarks Cobra
CID: 135

Editions: 210 [190 + XX]

De monniken

45.0cm x 45.0cm
lavis, watercolour
Collection MinBuZa, Parijs
CID: 2335

De ridderorde

23.5cm x 31.0cm
ink, paper
Collection K. van Stuijvenberg, NL
CID: 1125

Circa 1982

Gepeitschter Hahn

12.3cm x 13.4cm
vernis mou
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 148

No edition


34.5cm x 41.0cm
paper, watercolour
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 216

Circa 1982


140.0cm x 150.0cm
linen, oil paint
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 7

17 March 1982 four IKON journalists, reporting on the Civil War in El Salvador, were shot by the Junta. This murder became known as the Santa Rita Massacre.

Constant was very shocked by the brutal and planned murder of four Dutch journalists - Koos Koster, Hans ter Laag, Jan Kuiper and Joop Willemsen - who worked for IKON. The four journalists had been ambushed - a bowl in the middle of wooded hills - where about twenty armed soldiers had holed up. This made escape impossible for the four men and the guerrillas who accompanied them.

L'homme au couteau

60.0cm x 45.0cm
paper, watercolour
Collection Hilary Gerard, London, UK
CID: 2292