The 1949 Cobra Exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

The article by Peter Shield reconstructs the 1949 Cobra exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

Constant's grave at Zorgvlied

Constant's grave at Zorgvlied. The stone reads:In de kunst manifesteert zich de vrijheidin zijn hoogste vorm:de scheppende verbeelding.De kunst schept een beeld van de werelddat niet eerder bestond,neen, méér dan dat,een beeld dat voordien ondenkbaar was. Constant 1991

Nog één keer de trap afdalen

A review of the documentary Constant, avant le départ for the TV broadcast.

Ode aan Constant

Opening speech at the opening of Constant's oeuvre exhibition at Kunstmuseum Den Haag in 2005.

Constant Krant

Newspaper edition dedicated to Constant accompanying the exhibition Ode aan Constant at Kunstmuseum Den Haag (formerly known as Gemeentemuseum Den Haag) 3 December 2005 - 26 February 2006.

Constant, avant le départ

Constant died in the summer of 2005. Thomas Doebele and Maarten Schmidt filmed the artist during the last months of his life. They followed him and his dog, Tikus, on their daily stroll to the artist's studio, where he finished his last painting Le Piège (The Trap). A personal tale about a great painter in the last months of his life, working on the final details of the horizon of his last painting, 82 min, 2005.

Constant and New Babylon’s roots

Constant’s “city for homo ludens,” New Babylon, was a “nomad camp on a planetary scale.” It was born in 1956 in Alba, Italy, in a settlement of Piedmontese travelers on the land of painter Pinot Gallizio. Fifty years later, Domus magazine visits the site to reconstruct the origins of architecture’s first nomadic utopia. Photography by Armin Linke. Edited by Francesco Careri (stalker/osservatorio nomade), Elena Sommariva

Constant Nieuwenhuys

Obituary in The Times paying respects to Constant.

Constant 1920-2005, meer dan Cobra

Column by Max Arian after Constant passes away August 1st, 2005.

Constant inspireerde provo's

Regarding Constant's (85) passing, 2005.

Kunstenaar Constant Nieuwenhuys overleden

Obituary after Constant passes away on August 1st, 2005.

Weloverwogen primitief

Obituary in Dutch newspaper Trouw.

Interview with Constant

Interview with Constant by Linda Boersma, translated from Dutch by Sue Smit.  

New Babylon de Constant

New Babylon visually captured by Constant's son Victor Nieuwenhuijs and Maartje Seyferth, 13 min, 2005. Available in archive for research purposes.

Knoeiers Kladders Verlakkers

AVRO Kunst panorama, a series of 13 episodes about art and culture with a new item idea every week. The audience decides throug popular vote which formula will lead to a series. Presentation Nelleke van der Krogt. The first episode is about the history of modern art in the Netherlands with a focus on the difficult start of the artists of CoBrA in Amsterdam in the fourties. An episode suggestion by Eline Timmer and Tom Rooduijn. 

Aproximación a la Nueva Babilonia de Constant

Publication on New Babylon bij María Fuentes Carrasco.

Constant and Tikus at studio Wittenburg in Amsterdam

Constant and his dog Tikus standing next to his paintings L'incendie [II] and L'incendie at studio Wittenburg in Amsterdam, ca 2005. NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image    

Constant and Trudy sitting outside on the veranda

Constant and his wife Trudy sitting outside on the veranda in Utrecht, ca 2005. NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image

Constant and Trudy sitting outside on the veranda

Constant and his wife Trudy sitting outside on the veranda in Utrecht, ca 2005. NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image