Photo of Sector Construction by Bram Wisman

Sector constructie (1958-1961), photographed by Bram Wisman in 1958. For some models—including this one—the year of production is a period, either because it is an estimation or because adjustments were made to the model later on.   

Sur nos moyens et nos perspectives

Sur nos moyens et nos perspectives (On Our Means and Perspectives) in Internationale Situationniste, nº 2, December 1958, p. 23-27. Republished in Internationale Situationniste 1958-1969, Amsterdam, van Gennep, 1970 and in Internationale Situationniste 1958-69, Paris, Éditions Champ Libre, 1975.

Text for tape recording for Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam

In this text Constant reflects on the current state of the arts.

Constant with Eva and Martha on his knee 1957

Photo of Constant with his daughters Eva and Martha at Artis, Amsterdam ca 1957.                                                                         NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image    

De eerste tekenen

De eerste tekenen (The first signs) for “Phasen” exhibition, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, in Liga Bulletin, June 1957.Phasen was a group exhibition with Shinkichi Tajiri and Anton Rooskens curated by Willem Sandberg.

De Nederlandse Afdeling

Review Dutch Pavillion of the 28th Venice Biennial, 1956.

Intocht der Russen op de 28ste Biennale in Venetië

Review of the 28th Biennale in Venice with some crushing remarks about Constant's work.

Biennale van Venetië geopend

Announcement of 28th Biennale of Venice, 1956

Biennale te Venetië

Announcement of 28th Venice Biennial, 1956

Ook Bart van der Leck op Biennale

About 28th Venice Biennial, 1956

Congres du mouvement pour un Bauhau imaginistes, 1956

Congres du mouvement pour un Bauhau imaginistes, Alba 1956. F.l.t.r. Wolman, Jorn, Constant, E. Verone, Gallizio, Sotsass, Piero Simondo.

Constant with his family in Milan, 1956

Constant with his family in Milan, 1956. F.l.t.r: Eva, Victor, Constant's second wife, Nellie Riemens, and Constant. NB: Not available in high res!

Demain la poésie logera la vie

Demain la poésie logera la vie (Tomorrow Life Resides in Poetry), lecture dated Paris, 19 August 1956, written as a lecture to be given at the Primo congresso mondiale degli artisti liberi (First World Congress of Free Artists), organized by Asger Jorn and Pinot Gallizio for Mouvement Internationale pour un Bauhaus Imaginiste contre un Bauhaus Imaginaire (M.I.B.I.), held in Alba (I), 2-8 September 1956.Dutch title: In poezië zullen wij huizen. The typed manuscript is in the Constant archive at the Netherlands Institute for Art History (RKD).

Ettore Sottsas, Gil Wolman, Elena Verona, Asger Jorn and Constant, 1956

Fltr: Ettore Sottsas, Gil Wolman, Elena Verona, Asger Jorn and Constant at restaurant Bruno during the congress Mouvement pour un Bauhaus imaginiste in Alba 1956.

Het technicisme

This hitherto unpublished text by Constant probably dates from 1956. Thematically it has a strong affinity with ‘Tomorrow Life Will Reside in Poetry’ from the same year.

Photo of Space Circus [I] by Bram Wisman

Ruimtecircus [I] (1956-1961), photographed by Bram Wisman in 1956.  For some models—including this one—the year of production is a period, either because it is an estimation or because adjustments were made to the model later on. 

Pinot Gallizio in Alba, 1956

NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image

Pinot Gallizio with the gypsies in Alba, 1956

Pinot Gallizio with the gypsies at their camp on the river banks of river Tanaro in Alba, 1956. NB: Not available in high res!