Cobra Artists Worked With a Passionate Style to Match Their Name
Exhibition review of The Avant-Garde Won’t Give Up: Cobra and Its Legacy at Blum & Poe, NY.
The New York Times | Cobra Artists Worked With a Passionate Style to Match Their Name
The New York Times on the exhibition The Avant-Garde Won't Give Up: Cobra and It's Legacy at gallery Blum & Poe in Los Angeles, USA. An article by Roberta Smith, Oct 8, 2015.
Read the article here: Cobra Artists Worked With a Passionate Style to Match Their Name
Dean's Lecture Series: The Constant Dialogue
Series of lectures at Illinois Institute of Technology. Main speaker: Mark WigleyOther speakers: Wiel Arets, Trudy Nieuwenhuys and Ludo van HalemSeptember 16, 2015
Een spoor van knopen
An article on Shinkichi Tajiri announcing his exhibition Universal Paradoxes at Japan Museum SieboldHuis, Leiden. It references his affiliation with the Cobra movement.
Op Art Basel zijn zelfs de braadworsten onbetaalbaar
A review of Art Basel 2015, mentioning the New Babylon presentation by BorzoGallery.
Art Basel: Architect Talk Constant's New Babylon
Mark Wigley, Author of Constant’s New Babylon: The Hyper-Architecture of Desire, Princeton; Ludo van Halem, Curator for ‘Constant and the European avant-garde 1950 – 1960' at Cobra Museum, Amstelveen Moderator: Hans den Hartog Jager, Art Critic and Writer, AmsterdamArt Basel-Salon, Thursday, June 18, 2015
Baseltopia: Searching For Utopia (and Dystopia) at Art Basel 2015
2015 brings an interesting article about Utopian (and Dystopian) art works at Art Basel, in which Constant's New Babylon has not gone unnoticed.
Short piece about the Feature of Constant's New Babylon work by BorzoGallery, Amsterdam.
De vlam van de opstand moet branden
An interview with PROVO Roel van Duijn about fifty years PROVO with a reference to their connection to New Babylon.
Engagement-Constant en New Babylon
Blog by Anja Marbus on the Exam theme VWO 2015 on
'The Disappearance of Rembrandt' | Joost Zwagerman's column in HUMO
In his column in weekly magazine HUMO, Joost Zwagerman writes about one of Rembrandt's self portraits in the exhibition Late Rembrandt in the Rijksmuseum, he compares Rembrandt's painting De kunstenaar in zijn atelier (The Artist in His Studio), 1629 to Constant's painting with the same title, from 1977.
Read the article (in Dutch) by downloading the pdf below.
Alsof de kijker zelf in New Babylon woont
Article on the acquisition of the Diorama's by Kunstmuseum Den Haag.
Constant en het canoniseringsproces in het Stedelijk Museum
A research by Mylene Jankoswki on the collection of Constant's work by the museum transcending several directorships.
El Reina Sofía sueña la Nueva Babilonia
Exhibition review of Constant. Nueva Babilonia at Museo Reina Sofía in Madrid.
Miró en Cobra: wie beïnvloedde nu eigenlijk wie?
Article about the connections between Cobra and Miró and the exhibition at Cobra Museum.
Een dichter die zijn leven lang de tijd wilde bevriezen
A short article on the passing of Gerrit Kouwenaar mentioning Constant, Karel Appel, Lucebert, the Experimentele Groep Holland and Cobra.
‘We zijn Wibaut vergeten’
Interview with Adri Duivesteijn about the city innovations he realised as alderman in Almere and Den Haag. He mentions the New Babylon project by Constant as an inspiration.
De keuze van Katja Weitering
A guest blog on a photo of Constant by J.J.M. de Jong from 1949 on