New Babylon-Rotterdam

48.3cm x 61.6cm
geographical map, ink
Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 1363

Work filed in Constant's archive under Atlas van New-Babylon. Meaning of the indication Atlas of New-Babylon requires further study.

New Babylon-Ruhrgebiet

52.8cm x 64.1cm
geographical map, ink
Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 1365

Work filed in Constant's archive under Atlas van New-Babylon. Meaning of the indication Atlas of New-Babylon requires further study.

New Babylon-Zuid Nederland

49.7cm x 62.9cm
geographical map, ink
Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 1368

Work filed in Constant's archive under Atlas van New-Babylon. Meaning of the indication Atlas of New-Babylon requires further study.

Paysage artificiel

160.0cm x 185.0cm
linen, oil paint
Collection K. van Stuijvenberg on loan to Cobra Museum of Modern Art, Amstelveen, NL
CID: 644

Portfolio NEW BABYLON 00

Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Kunstmuseen Krefeld, DE, Collection Amsterdam Museum, NL, Collection Boijmans van Beuningen, NL, Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 840

Portfolio NEW BABYLON 01

39.9cm x 75.8cm
color lithograph
Collection Fondation Constant, Collection Kunstmuseen Krefeld, DE, Collection Amsterdam Museum, NL, Collection Boijmans van Beuningen, NL, Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 828

10 lithographs with text by Simon Vinkenoog

Portfolio NEW BABYLON 02

39.9cm x 58.5cm
Collection Fondation Constant, Collection Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Ge, Collection Amsterdam Museum, NL, Collection Boijmans van Beuningen, NL, Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 829

10 lithographs with text by Simon Vinkenoog

Portfolio NEW BABYLON 03

39.9cm x 35.4cm
Collection Fondation Constant, Collection Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Ge, Collection Amsterdam Museum, NL, Collection Boijmans van Beuningen, NL, Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 830

10 lithographs with text by Simon Vinkenoog

Portfolio NEW BABYLON 04

38.9cm x 49.3cm
Collection Fondation Constant, Collection Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Ge, Collection Amsterdam Museum, NL, Collection Boijmans van Beuningen, NL, Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 831

10 lithographs with text by Simon Vinkenoog

Portfolio NEW BABYLON 05

37.0cm x 36.0cm
Collection Fondation Constant, Collection Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Ge, Collection Amsterdam Museum, NL, Collection Boijmans van Beuningen, NL, Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 834

10 lithographs with text by Simon Vinkenoog