Portret van Adèle

paper, watercolour
Private collection, NL
CID: 2362


41.0cm x 41.0cm
crayon, paper, watercolour
Private collection, NL
CID: 2342

Circa 1991

Sans espoir

77.5cm x 55.0cm
color lithograph
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 182

Edition: 25
Inspired by the severe famine in Somalia.

Sketch untitled

crayon, paper, pencil
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 7599

A unrelkated sketch in the Leda sketchbook, 1991.

Spelende honden

17.8cm x 19.1cm
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 894

Editions: 119 [20 e.a. & 99]

Study for L'infirmière

paper, pencil
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 7594

Study for oil painting L'infirmière [1991], assumingly from circa 1991.

Tête d'homme

92.0cm x 73.0cm
linen, oil paint
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 551

Tête de l'homme

57.0cm x 41.5cm
paper, watercolour
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 1228


9.0cm x 11.8cm
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 179

No edition.
Tikus, mouse in Malaisan, was Constant's dog since 1990 and passed away a few days after Constant. Constant used to tell about the way they met. After his dog Waldo died, he went to the dogshelter to get a new dog. Tikus was the saddest looking dog from the shelter. However, as soon as Tikus saw Constant enter, he stayed by his side. When the little dog even followed him to the toilet, Constant decided that he would take him home. They were inseparable for 15 years.


71.0cm x 50.0cm
paper, watercolour
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 515

Constant loved animals and had some loyal companions by his side over the years. His last dog was Tikus, who was with Constant from 1990 till his death. When his dog Waldo died in 1989, Constant was heartbroken. In 1990 he decided he was ready for a new companion, so he went to the pound. He was looking for a medium size dog, like Waldo had been. However, a little fluff ball called Tikus had just come in. (Tikus means mouse in Malaysian.) Constant considered him a bit too much the size of a lap dog. However, Tikus had recognised their bond.