Shirley Clement, Corneille and Constant at Gallery Daniel Gervis, Paris

fltr: Shirley Clement, Corneille and Constant. Constant is reading the publication of Constant. Les trois espaces, 1992. At the exhibition at Gallery Daniel Gervis, accompanying the presentation of his first book Les Trois Espace published by Cercle D'Art and presented at Campus Point Art in Château de Montvillargenne in Paris. NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image

Shirley Clement, Corneille, Constant and Jean-Clarence Lambert at Daniel Gervis, Paris

f.l.t.r.: Shirley Clement, Corneille, Constant and Jean-Clarence Lambert. At the exhibition accompanying the presentation of his first book Les Trois Espace published by Cercle D'Art and presented at Campus Point Art in Château de Montvillargenne in Paris. NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image

Constant and Picasso | Language of War Art

Article by Graham Birtwistle.

Constant at his studio Wittenburg, 1991

With the models Eivormige constructie [II] and Ruimtecircus [I] in the background.

Verzet, ook nù

Verzet, ook nù in Verzetsprijzen 1991: teksten uitgespro­ken bij de uitreiking 4 mei 1991 in De Nieuwe Kerk te Amsterdam, Nijmegen, Sun, 1991.

Constant Nieuwenhuys in Atlantis

Interview with Betty van Garrel for VPRO magazine, to announce an episode in the art series Atlantis in which Constant talks about his painting L'incendie II, 1987.

Bilder der Gruppe Cobra in München

Review of the exhibition COBRA | Eine Europäische Bewegung 1948-1951 in Munich, published in the Die Zeit.

Der Schrei des Verlorenseins

Review of the exhibition COBRA | Eine Europäische Bewegung 1948-1951 in Munich, published in the Bayerische Staatszeitung.

Einig im Protest

Review of the exhibition COBRA | Eine Europäische Bewegung 1948-1951 in Munich, published in the Nürnberger Nachrichten.

COBRA - Eine Austellung im Münchner Lenbachhaus

Review of the exhibition COBRA | Eine Europäische Bewegung 1948-1951 in Munich, published in the Süddeutsche Zeitung München.

Wilde Aventgardre

Review of the exhibition COBRA | Eine Europäische Bewegung 1948-1951 in Munich, published in the Landshuter Zeitung.

Die Cobra-Ausstellung in Münchens Lenbachhaus

Announcement of the exhibition COBRA | Eine Europäische Bewegung 1948-1951 in Munich, published in the Münchner Merkur.

Die Gruppe Cobra in der Städtischen Galerie

Announcement of the exhibition COBRA | Eine Europäische Bewegung 1948-1951 in Munich, published in the Abendzeitung.

Staunen über den Nachbarn

Announcement of the exhibition COBRA | Eine Europäische Bewegung 1948-1951 in Munich, published in the Süddeutsche Zeitung nr 10.

Constant and his dog Waldo

Constant and his dog Waldo, ca 1989 NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image.

Constant and his dog Waldo-1

Constant and his dog Waldo, ca 1989 NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image

Constant and his dog Waldo-2

Constant and his dog Waldo, ca 1989 NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image

Constant and his dog Waldo-3

Constant and his dog Waldo, ca 1989 NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image

Constant and his dog Waldo-4

Constant and his dog Waldo, ca 1989 NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image

Constant and his dog Waldo-5

ca 1989 NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image