
As a non-profit cultural foundation we would be nowhere without the support of funding organisations, sponsors and donors. Therefore our gratitude goes out to all who support our efforts to preserve and promote the art collection and intellectual legacy of the artist Constant Nieuwenhuys, known as Constant.
These projects are and have been supported by the following organisations over the years:
2021 | 2023
Constant Change (WT) | Publication with Jap Sam Books
Mondriaan Fonds
Stichting Jaap Harten Fonds
2020 | 2021
Constant 101
Mondriaan Fonds
Cultuurfonds | Straver Fonds
Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst
Gravin van Bylandt Stichting
We also thank the following people for their support of Constant 101: Astrid, Michiel, Mechteld, Fred, Marjan, Elly, Corrie, Marion, Marianne, Loekie, Lieke, Christa, Sam, Jeannette, Djai, Wessel, Eliane, Arnoud, Karen, Ivo, Yola, Michiel, Remco, Ina, Leonne, Maia, Giotta, Ryu, Eugenie, Rosemarie, René, Nanda, Arnold, Henri, Aaron, Marise, Nout, Robert, Marijcke, René, Jan, Henk, Nicola, Eva, Roger, Jan, Frans, Marie-José, Judith, Sander, Bart-Jan, Stefan, Livia, Yoshikazu, Veronique, Melle, Marie, Marguerite, Liesbeth (and many others).
Archive Digitalisation
De Gijselaar-Hintzenfonds
Enter New Babylon | Virtual Reality Theatre Experience
Fonds Podiumkunsten
Fonds 21
Constant's Last Home | ROBUCHE
Stichting Niemeijer Fonds
Constant 1 0 1 the podcast
Fentener van Vlissingen Fonds
Gifted Art
Iona Stichting
Constant 101 De Muzikanten
Het Kersjes Fonds
Von Brucken Fock Fonds
Documentation Library Project
Dioraphte | Jaarverslag Dioraphte 2019
Fundatie Van den Santheuvel, Sobbe
Gravin van Bylandt Stichting
Van der Steenhoven advocaten
Oral History Project
Stichting Jaap Harten Fonds
Gifted Art
Symposium at IIT, Chicago
Dutch Culture USA program by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York
Mr & Mrs de Heus
Borzo modern & contemporary art
Gemeentemuseum Den Haag
Bekking & Blitz
We are grateful to every one who has donated files, photo's, letters and other valuable additions to our reserach and archive: Simone Rooskens, Tes van Eyck, Simone, Berthina and Annie Oranje, Katja Weitering, Tom Wisman, heirs Herman Kater, Paul Haffmans, Linda Boersma, Kunstinstituut Melly.
As a cultural anbi foundation, there are several tax benefits to donating to Fondation Constant, read more on Support.
Fondation Constant is a not for profit organisation and your donations are always welcome and ever necessary: