About Fondation Constant

Fondation Constant is a non-profit art organisation and an ANBI foundation. Its main goals are to preserve and promote the art collection and intellectual legacy of the artist Constant Nieuwenhuys, known as Constant. The foundation aims to create an international knowledge center about the artist and the groups, which he belonged to and initiated. In the process we strive to promote an international, as well as a national, awareness of the artworks and ideas developed by Constant Nieuwenhuys during his lifetime.

Fondation Constant is responsible for the realisation of a catalogue raisonné website. To have a catalogue raisonné for the full body of his work was one of the last wishes the artist expressed before he died in the summer of 2005.

To honour the artist’s profound appreciation of the French language the foundation will be referred to as Fondation Constant. Fondation being the French word for foundation.


Since January 2022 Fondation Constant has a General Director and a Supervisory Board.


Kim van der Horst

Supervisory Board

Marise Voskens | Chair

Chair of the supervisory boards of, amongst others: ITA, VPRO, Museumvereniging in Amsterdam and Flamenco Biennial.

Floris Alkemade

Architect and "Rijksbouwmeester" from 2015-2021.

Adnan Basaran

Founder of MetisBrown.

Trudy Nieuwenhuys

Art historian, author and researcher.


2011-2020 Wessel Ganzevoort

2014-2021 Els Ottenhof

2016-2021 Paul Schnabel

2016-2021 Dolf Broekhuizen

2011-2015 Cor van der Zwan

2012-2015 Ludo van Halem

2012-2014 Benno Tempel


Fondation Constant

2022-... Mia Lodder | Executive Assistant

2022-2023 Ksenia Nunis | Social Media Content Creator

Constant 101

2019-2022 Zippora Elders

2021 Lisa Bakker

2020 Eliane Odding

Archive Documentation Project

2019-2020 Eva Hoogkamer

Library Documentation Project

2019 Freek Dijkstra, Eliane Odding, Iris Mahu

Interns Research CCR

2018 Jephta de Visser

2019 Chiara de Haan, Janneke Luns, Jet Weerkamp


2019 Janine van Reekum, Iris Mahu


Fondation Constant endorses the Governance Code Cultuur as presented on www.governancecodecultuur.nl.

Download hier: Privacybeleid Fondation Constant

Fondation Constant is a not for profit organisation and your donations are always welcome and ever necessary: paypal.me/FondationConstantNL


Fondation Constant


Kim van der Horst by Ruud Pos
Kim van der Horst


Marise Voskens
Marise Voskens


Floris Alkemade
Floris Alkemade


Adnan Besaran
Adnan Besaran


Trudy Nieuwenhuys by Marte Visser
Trudy Nieuwenhuys by Marte Visser