
1960  Sikkens-award
For the manifest Voor een spatiaal colorisme and the demonstration of the manifest at the exhibition Een ruimte in kleur  at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam in 1952 by Constant and Aldo van Eyck. Jury report: Sikkensprijs 1960.pdf, website: Sikkens Prize winners 1960: Aldo van Eyck & Constant Nieuwenhuys.

1960 Regulations Dutch Sikkens Award (Dutch)
1961 Certificate Dutch Sikkens Award (Dutch)
1961 Uitnodiging uitrijking Nederlandse Sikkensprijs

1966  Premio Cardazzo award
From June to November Constant’s Cobra and New Babylon work represents the Dutch contribution at the 33rd Biennale of Venice where he receives the Premio Cardazzo (f 3.000).

1974  David Roëll Award
For his work as a draftsman. Constant received the David Roell award (f 10.000) during the exhibition Constant, An illustration of freedom at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. The David Röell Award, now called the Prins Bernhard Cultuurprijs, was created in 1963 and is awarded to Dutch residential artists whose exceptional merits have enriched the Fine Arts. David Roëll was director of the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam between 1936-1945. He did an exceptional job guiding the museum through WWII. He was member of the board of (Prins Bernhard) Cultuur Fonds and two years after his death the David Roëll Award was instituted.
Constant received the award on Thursday November 28 at the Rijkmuseum in Amsterdam.

1985  Singer Prijs
For his entire oeuvre. The Singer Prijs is a biennial award issued by Stichting Vrienden van het Singer Museum.

1985  Jeanne Oosting prijs
For his figurative painting. The award money was 3.000 guilders.

1991 Resistance Award
A biennial award from Stichting Kunstenaarsverzet 1942-1945. In 1991 Constant and author and criminologist Andreas Burnier are awarded. Constant holds a speech at the award ceremony Verzet ook nu (Resistance even today), published in Teksten uitgesproken bij de uitreiking van de Verzetsprijs 1991 op zaterdag 4 mei 1991 in De Nieuwe Kerk Amsterdam, Nijmegen 1991, pp. 21-23.

1994 Oeuvreprijs
Lifetime-achievement award awarded by Stichting Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst. For years the Oeuvreprijs was one of the most prestigious awards in the cultural arena in the Netherlands. Due to budget cuts and merger of some cultural institutions the award was awarded for the last time in 2012.


Constant at Bienale Venice, 1966
Constant at Bienale Venice in 1966


Constant Nieuwenhuys-Singer prijs, 1985
Singer award, 1985


Constant Nieuwenhuys-Oeuvreprijs 1994, Chabot Museum
Poster Oeuvre award in Chabot Museum, 1994