Economies of the Wild: Speculations on Constant’s New Babylon and Contemporary Capitalism

An essay by Bram Ieven for the publication Speculative Art Histories by Edinburgh University Press, 2017. NB: Published here is the unedited version.

Economies of the Wild: Speculations on Constant’s New Babylon and Contemporary Capitalism

An essay by Bram Ieven for the publication Speculative Art Histories by Edinburgh University Press, 2017. NB: Published here is the unedited version.

Dit is de beste beeldende kunst van 2016

The NRC art reviewers put out their top 5 list of best art works, buildings, photography and design of 2016. The exhibition Constant. Space + kleur was listed twice, once in the top 5 of Sandra Smets and once by Hans den Hartog Jager.

art maker: Karen Kurczynski | Art Historian, curator

Interview with Karen Kurczynski about her exhibition Human Animals. Cobra and Its Legacy from September 15 till November 20, 2016 at UMCA.

Cobra rising: UMCA exhibit celebrates European artists who joined forces to start afresh after WWII

Review of the exhibition Human Animals. Cobra and Its Legacy at UMCA from September 15 till November 20th, 2016.

Portretten van afgelopen eeuw: van Picasso tot Lee Miller

Review of the exhibition Zie de mens in Museum De Fundatie in Zwolle, Netherlands, 2016.

Kunstmuseum Den Haag; Constant – New Babylon

Review of the exhibition Constant. New Babylon. Aan ons de vrijheid in Kunstmuseum Den Haag in 2016.

Exploring the Transition in Constant's Work

Review of the exhibitions Constant. Ruimte + Kleur at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art and Constant - New Babylon at the Kunstmuseum Den Haag by Nina Siegel.

Exploring the Transition in Constant's Work

Review of the exhibitions Constant. Ruimte + Kleur at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art and Constant - New Babylon at the Kunstmuseum Den Haag by Nina Siegel.

Exploring the Transition in Constant's Work

Review of the exhibitions Constant. Ruimte + Kleur at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art and Constant - New Babylon at the Kunstmuseum Den Haag by Nina Siegel.

Ons streven ligt in de leefsfeer

Article on the exhibition Constant. Ruimte + Kleur at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art in Amstelveen by Jeroen Visschers.

Ons streven ligt in de leefsfeer

Article on the exhibition Constant. Ruimte + Kleur at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art in Amstelveen by Jeroen Visschers.

Ons streven ligt in de leefsfeer

Article on the exhibition Constant. Ruimte + Kleur at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art in Amstelveen by Jeroen Visschers.

Ons streven ligt in de leefsfeer

Article on the exhibition Constant. Ruimte + Kleur at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art in Amstelveen by Jeroen Visschers.

Ons streven ligt in de leefsfeer

Article on the exhibition Constant. Ruimte + Kleur at the Cobra Museum of Modern Art in Amstelveen by Jeroen Visschers.

Constant en Mondriaan. Moet het Gemeentemuseum niet meer met deze kunstenaars doen?

Blog by Egbert Dommering on the exhibitions Constant. Ruimte + Kleur in Cobra Museum and Constant - New Babylon in Kunstmuseum (formerly known as Gemeentemuseum) and the relation between Constant and Mondriaan.

De wereld is mijn speelveld

A review of the exhibition Constant - New Babylon. To Us Liberty at Kunstmuseum Den Haag by Jeroen Visschers. 

De wereld is mijn speelveld

A review of the exhibition Constant - New Babylon. To Us Liberty at Kunstmuseum Den Haag by Jeroen Visschers. 

De wereld is mijn speelveld

A review of the exhibition Constant - New Babylon. To Us Liberty at Kunstmuseum Den Haag by Jeroen Visschers. 

De wereld is mijn speelveld

A review of the exhibition Constant - New Babylon. To Us Liberty at Kunstmuseum Den Haag by Jeroen Visschers.