De stoel

166.0cm x 176.0cm
linen, oil paint
Collection Fondation Constant longterm loan to Amsterdam Museum, Amsterdam, NL
CID: 488

In the background you can see a 'Happening' à la Provo. Provo saw Constant with his 'New Babylon' as important for their movement.

De stoel

13.8cm x 18.8cm
aquatint, etching
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Dordrechts Museum, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL
CID: 738

Edition: 20

De stoel [II]

14.0cm x 18.0cm
aquatint, etching
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL
CID: 176

Editions: 200 [190 & X]

De tovenaar

18.5cm x 25.0cm
aquatint, etching
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL, Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 739

Edition: 20

De volksteller

9.4cm x 12.9cm
dry point needle, printing plate
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL
CID: 744

Edition: 20

De woningkraker

10.0cm x 13.1cm
aquatint, dry point needle, photo etching
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL
CID: 124

Edition: 20

Don Quichote

30.7cm x 44.0cm
ink, paper, watercolour
Private collection, NL
CID: 2874

Drie dansers

17.9cm x 22.0cm
aquatint, etching
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL
CID: 749

Edition: 20

Erotic Space

165.0cm x 175.0cm
linen, oil paint
Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 35

Figuren in ruimte

71.2cm x 96.7cm
ink, paper
Private collection, NL
CID: 2524