
10.9cm x 14.0cm
photo etching
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL, Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 773

Edition: 20

Landschap met autosaurus

9.2cm x 13.3cm
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL
CID: 774

No edition

Landschap met sectoren

5.1cm x 14.0cm
dry point needle, etching, printing plate
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL
CID: 775

Editions: 58 [50 & VIII]

Mekong River

119.0cm x 131.5cm
ink, newspaper, paper, pencil, spray paint, watercolour
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 106

The gruesome reality of Nixon's foreign policy.
Constant writes (overgenomen uit Het Parool) (copied from Het Parool) in the bottom right corner, which refers to the news paper clippings on the horizon and bottom right.

The Vietnam war is the first war that is broadcasted through mass media. For the first time people are confronted with moving images of war entering their living room through television. The war leads to protests and outrage and influences the work of many artists, including Constant.

New Babylon in opbouw

7.5cm x 12.9cm
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 781

An adaption of the etch New Babylon sectoren, no edition.

Ontwaakt, verworpenen der aarde!

14.8cm x 19.2cm
dry point needle, etching, printing plate
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Dordrechts Museum, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL
CID: 783

Editions: 60 [50 & X]
Dated 1967 in exhibition catalogue for Galerie Daniel Servis Paris in 1972.

Ontwaakt, verworpenen der aarde! [II]

14.5cm x 19.0cm
dry point needle, etching, printing plate
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 784

Editions: 60 [50 & X]


16.0cm x 18.8cm
aquatint, etching
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 99

No edition


9.5cm x 10.1cm
dry point needle, etching
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 920

Editions: 197 [190 & 7 & X]


9.6cm x 10.1cm
dry point needle, etching, printing plate
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL
CID: 181

Editions: 197 [190 & 7 & X]