Japanese Love Call

51.7cm x 76.0cm
color lithograph
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. Donation from the Golda and MeyerMarks Cobra, Collection Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL
CID: 886

Edition: 200 [190 & 10 h.s.]


113.0cm x 119.8cm
crayon, paper, pencil
Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 1539

La salle de réception, entrée

15.5cm x 20.5cm
ink, paper
Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 1389

Drawing from the portfolio New Babylon.

Mobiel labyrinth E.S.R. New Babylon

128.2cm x 140.3cm
paper, pencil
Collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, NL
CID: 1596

Model for PCGD in Arnhem

18.3cm x 102.4cm x 71.1cm
aluminum paint, wood
Collection Fondation Constant longterm loan to Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 165

Model of the area around the Postcheque- en Girodienst offices in Arnhem. Constant designed this as part of a competition by Van den Broek en Bakema architects. Circa 1966.

Plattegrond Deurenlabyrint E.S.R.

69.5cm x 97.0cm
ink, paper
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 6623

Floorplan with meaurements and installing instructions for the Door Labyrinth at E.S.R at Bouwcentrum in 1966. E.S.R. stands for Experiment Studio Rotterdam.

Reisschets-Roeien op het meer van Babylon

29.8cm x 48.5cm
ink, paper
Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 1530

Schets voor een sector

101.4cm x 146.2cm
chalk, graphite, paper
Collection Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam, NL
CID: 1281

Schets voor een sector

48.0cm x 67.0cm
color lithograph
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA. Donated by the Golda and Meyer Marks Cobra Collection
CID: 900

Editions: 715 [700 commissioned by VAEVO Den Haag & 15 h.s.]


11.0cm x 21.0cm x 7.0cm
metal, paint, rubber
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 1731

Circa 1965

Design Johnny Jacobs