Sectoren rondom een bos

98.6cm x 80.4cm
geographical map, watercolour
Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 1386

Souvenir de Norvège

131.0cm x 148.8cm
crayon, paper, pencil, watercolour
Collection Centraal Museum Utrecht, NL
CID: 1242

Don Juan in het labyrinth

89.1cm x 92.9cm
paper, pencil, watercolour
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 254

Figuren in een landschap

78.6cm x 116.2cm
graphite, paper, pencil, watercolour
Private collection, NL
CID: 1404

Figuren in een ruimte [II]

83.0cm x 136.0cm
gouache, paper, pencil, watercolour
Collection Fondation Constant, NL
CID: 255

The Roman numbering was not given by Constant but serves to distinguish between different works with the same name.

Figuren in een ruimte [I]

74.0cm x 84.0cm
crayon, paper
Collection Aaron Shatzman and Karen Kaplan, USA
CID: 2612

The Roman numbering was not given by Constant but serves to distinguish between different works with the same name.

Groeten uit New Babylon

52.0cm x 68.5cm
color lithograph
Private collection, Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 882

Edition: 20

Groot Labyr

139.5cm x 127.7cm
crayon, paper, pencil
Collection Kröller-Müller, Otterlo, NL
CID: 1261

Happening [I]

49.4cm x 67.6cm
color lithograph
Collection Fondation Constant, NL, Collection Frans Hals Museum, NL
CID: 883

Edition: 190

Homo Ludens

143.7cm x 138.7cm
paper, pencil
Collection Kunstmuseum Den Haag, NL
CID: 1388