Nederlandse Kunst vanaf 1900

A series of episodes about Art after 1900 by Teleac. In this episode the follow up of De Stijl, Structure, Joost Baljeu, Liga Nieuw Beelden, Unitair Urbanisme, Constant, New Babylon, Karin Arink, Internationale Situationists, art in public spaces, Bram Bogart, expression of matter, Carel Visser, Rietveld and Provo. Available to wacth for researching purposes on location in the Fondation Constant Archive. We will not distribute the movie digitally. Email Kim at

Cobra, een opstand tegen de orde

Cobra, a revolt against order, documentary by Jan Vrijman about the meaning and influence of the COBRA group, then and now, 58"27', 1988. Available to wacth for researching purposes on location in the Fondation Constant Archive. We will not distribute the movie digitally. Email Kim at

Avant-garde in Nederland 3: Het situationisme

Radioprogram: Het Evenement 16 jan 1986Cultural series, final episode out of three about the Avant-Garde in the Netherlands: Het situationisme.

Het Heilig Vuur. Cobra 1949-1951 | Schilderen na een oorlog

Documentary about the Experimentele Groep, the CoBrA group, the exhibition in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, the international network and the dissolving of the group. Broadcasted on April 20, 1976. Interviews with: Martin Visser, mrs. H.T. Rooskens-Rutten, Henny Riemens (photograher and ex girlfriend of Corneille), miss Ir. J.H. Mulder (architect), Louis Tiessen, Jan Elburg, Aldo van Eyck, Anton Rooskens, Constant, Eugene Brands, Karel Appel, Corneille, Theo Wolvecamp, Tony Sluiter (ex girlfriend of Karel Appel), mrs. S.C. Brands-Tiemeyer, Christian Dotremont and Willem Sandberg.

Openbaar Kunstbezit: Kijken, denken, doen II

Broadcast on November 28, 1971-NOS Television

Constant oder der Weg nach New Babylon

Constant or the route to New Babylon. For thirteen years Constant worked on his New Babylon project as a reaction to the architectural and social reality. Film maker Carl-Heinz Caspari follows Constant and his visions, 55 min, 1968. Available to watch for researching purposes on location in the Fondation Constant Archive. We will not distribute the movie digitally. Email Kim at


Broadcast on November 27, 1966-NPS Television

Constant, een kunstenaar van onze tijd

A television course with accompanying course book: Openbaar Kunstbezit tv. Constant, een kunstenaar van onze tijd is part of the episode of July 7, 1965 in the third year. The episode starts with Constant playing the guitar next to Ruimtecircus II. Available to wacth for researching purposes on location in the Fondation Constant Archive. We will not distribute the movie digitally. Email Kim at

Met Simon Vinkenoog naar het New Babylon van Constant, 1962

Accompanying Simon Vinkenoog to Constant's New Babylon). Lies Westenburg visits Constant at his studio with writer Simon Vinkenoog. Simon and Constant discuss the ideas behind the New babylon project. A film by Wim Smits (camera), Simon Vinkenoog (commentary), Lies Westenburg (director), 15 min, 1962.

Kijk op Kunst

Broadcast on May 18, 1961-KRO

Video registration of exhibition Constant Constant • Amsterdam in 1961

Exhibition of Constants paintings and models at the Städtische Kunstgalerie Bochum, Germany. Available in archive for research purposes.


In Gyromorphosis, film maker Hy Hirsch strives to display the kinetic qualities of the New Babylon structures of Constant Nieuwenhuys. One by one he puts parts of the structures in motion and films the details with colored lighting having them overlap each other, appear and disappear. He creates a sensation of acceleration and suspence suggested by the work itself, 07 min, 1958. The film can be found on the website of the British Film Institute.