Willemijn Stokvis | Art Historian

In this interview for the Oral History Project of Fondation Constant art historian, Willemijn Stokvis talks about her encounters with Constant in the seventies and eighties, his influence within the CoBrA group, their first exhibition in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, the encounters with the artists that led to her thesis and her personal memories of him. Interviewer: Karel Ankerman

Tom Haartsen | Photographer

In this interview for the Oral History Project of Fondation Constant photographer, Tom Haartsen speaks about his work with Constant taking photo's of his paintings and watercolors and his personal memories of him.Interviewer: Karel Ankerman Audio of the full interview, executed and documented in Dutch, is available in the archive for research purposes. Email Kim van der Horst for more information.

Nico Delaive | Gallerist

In this interview for the Oral History Project of Fondation Constant gallerist, Nico Delaive speaks about his encounters with Constant, the exhibitions and catalogues they made together, the purchases and sales he did of his work and personal memories. Interviewer: Karel Ankerman Audio of the full interview, executed and documented in Dutch, is available in the archive for research purposes. Email Kim van der Horst for more information.

Hans Locher | Museum Director

In this interview for the Oral History Project of Fondation Constant museum director, Hans Locher speaks about his friendship with Constant, the exhibitions he made with him, de purchase of the New Babylon collection and his personal memories of him. Interviewer: Karel Ankerman

Max Arian | Journalist

In this interview for the Oral History Project of Fondation Constant journalist Max Arian speaks about his interview with Constant for his article in magazine De Groene Amsterdammer in 1995 (published in January 17, 1996). He recollects how the interview with Constant influenced his biography of Willem Sandberg and Constant's personality. His critical view of Sandberg shed new light on his impression of the legendary museum director.Interviewer: Karel Ankerman

Karel van Stuijvenberg | Collector

In this interview for the Oral History Project of Fondation Constant art collector Karel van Stuijvenberg tells about his encounters with Constant, his obsession with collecting CoBrA art, organisingexhibitions in South-Amerika and the exhibition he made in Caracas with Graphic Work by Constant. | Interviewer: Karel Ankerman Audio of the full interview, executed and documented in Dutch, is available in the archive for research purposes. Email Kim van der Horst for more information.

Bram Wisman about Constant in Argusogen

Agusogen is a written documentary about press photography in the Netherlands. In Argusogen, former photojournalist Bram Wisman sketches the development of the news photo from its origins to the present. To this end, he researched archives and had numerous conversations with former colleagues: because of their irreplaceable testimonies, Argusogen contains interesting 'oral history' that would otherwise have been irretrievably lost. With Argusogen Bram Wisman makes an important contribution to the historiography of press photography in the Netherlands.