Lamoree en de meesters

CID: 1783
An episode about Constant's New Babylon by Jhim Lamoree on Avro Kunstuur, 21 january 2012. Fragment starts at 00:10:10 till 00:13:51.

New Babylon

CID: 1800
About the new paradigms of the 21st century. Comparing this world with Constant Nieuwenhuys' utopian city New Babylon.

Cobra tot Dumas

CID: 3176
Catalogue by Hans den Hartog-Jager with the exhibition Cobra tot Dumas in Singer Laren in 2012.

Cobra | 1000 Days of Free Art

CID: 2301
Catalog with the exhibition Cobra | 1000 Days of Free Art at the Sakip Sabanci Müzesi in Istanbul, Turkey.

Klee en Cobra

CID: 7606
Catalog for the exhibition Klee + Cobra. Het begint als kind at Cobra Museum for Modern Art, Amstelveen, the Netherland from 28 Jan 2012 to 22 April 2012. On the cover: Kinderbuste, Paul Klee, 1933.

Naar zee

CID: 3282
Catalogue with exhibition Naar zee in De Hallen Haarlem in 2012.

Ontdek het moderne

CID: 7779
Benno Tempel tells the story of modern art. Through several different themes he sketches the atmosphere of the dynamic development of art from the ninetheenth century till now.

Stedelijk Collectie Highlights

CID: 7819
For Stedelijk Collectie Highlights, the curators of the Stedelijk selected the most important works by 150 leading artists and designers, including Karel Appel, Carl Andre, Wim Crouwel, Rineke Dijkstra, Marlene Dumas, Vincent van Gogh, Sheila Hicks, Mike Kelley, Willem de Kooning, Kazimir Malevich, Henri Matisse, Gerrit Rietveld, and many others. Stedelijk Collectie Highlights is an inspiring guide and a tribute to the remarkable breadth and quality of the Stedelijk Museum’s collection.

Stedelijk Collectie Reflecties

CID: 7820
In Stedelijk Collection Reflections, renowned international experts, including art historians, essayists and exhibition makers, give their vision of 150 years of visual arts and design in 43 richly illustrated essays.

The Artist Interview

CID: 7890
One of the ways to obtain authentic, content-related and technical information on modern and contemporary artworks is to interview the artists who created them. To that end, the Foundation for the Conservation of Contemporary Art (SBMK)), the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE)) and the University of Amsterdam (UvA) have formulated guidelines for a structured approach of the artist interview and compiled a number of interview scenarios as practical interview tools.

Verführung Freiheit

CID: 7780
Catalogue for the The Desire for Freedom. Art in Europe since 1945, the 30th Council of Europe exhibition. The exhibition traveled to Deutsches Historisches Museum in Berlin, DE (17 October 2012 - 10 February 2013); Palazzo Reale in Milan, IT (15 March - 2 June 2013); Eesti Kunstimuuseum - Kumu Kunstimuuseum in Tallinn, EE (28 June - 29 September 2013); and Muzeum Sztuki Współczesnej MOCAK in Krakow, PL (18 October 2013 - 26 January 2014). 

New New Babylon

CID: 1782
By Ali Dur & McKenzie Wark. Music by Paul D Miller aka DJ Spooky that Subliminal Kid. A détournement of Constant's New Babylon, translated into the digital, and into New York City. December 27, 2011.

Constant's New Babylon

CID: 1781
Video essay for Professor Vossoughian's City Planning class by Matt Torres & Daniel Reinhart. December 18, 2011

New New Babylon

CID: 1801
Essay by McKenzie Wark and Ali Dur for MIT Press Journals, Fall 2011.

De scheppende mens als doel. Jonas Staal pleit voor een nieuwe coalitie

CID: 1841
Reader reacts to a call for debate by referencing Constant on Metropolis M.

Lecture Call the Witness. Campo nomadi: Constant’s Design for a Gypsy Camp

CID: 7471
Video of a lecture by Tom McDonough (art historian, United States) called Campo nomadi: Constant’s Design for a Gypsy Camp.

Schilderij Constant onder de hamer

CID: 2021
Announcement that the painting Vogelvrouw (Bird Woman) will be auctioned at Sotheby's Amsterdam.


CID: 1802
ADIP-Rethinking Berlin//Architectural utopias

100 Artists' Manifestos

CID: 1393
'The Manifesto is remarkable for its imaginative power.. it is the first great modernist work of art' - Marshall Berman In this remarkable collection of 100 manifestos from the last 100 years, Alex Danchev presents the cacophony of voices of such diverse movements as Futurism, Dadaism, Surrealism, Feminism, Communism, Destructivism, Vorticism, Stridentism, Cannibalism and Stuckism, taking in along the way film, architecture, fashion, and cookery.

Beach Beneath the Street

CID: 1653
The acclaimed, readable history of the Situationist International by the author of A Hacker Manifesto Over fifty years after the Situationist International appeared, its legacy continues to inspire activists, artists and theorists around the world. Such a legend has accrued to this movement that the story of the SI now demands to be told in a contemporary voice capable of putting it into the context of twenty-first-century struggles.

Campo nomadi: Constant’s Design for a Gypsy Camp

CID: 1784
Lecture by Tom McDonough on Constant's Design for a Gypsy camp in connection to Arno Mik's larger model of the Design for the Roma paviljon, Call the Witness during the Biennale in Venice, 2011.

Klee & Cobra

CID: 2572
Catalog for the exhibition Klee & Cobra at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Humlebaek, Danmark from 30 Sep 2011 to 8 Jan 2012. On the cover: Blau mantel, Paul Klee, 1940.

Klee and Cobra

CID: 2513
The realization that children have their own type of childish creativity and the potential to express themselves through art was a crucial driving force in Paul Klee’s own creative work: from pieces displaying the spontaneous texture of finger painting to his Dada-esque puppets made of found materials. Animated by Klee, after World War II painters from the group of artists known as CoBrA in turn lighted on the child’s visual world as a source of inspiration for their new, revolutionary artistic departure.