
Constants last work. He signed the work in 2004 and then started working on it again. In the documentary Constant, avant le départ, filmed in the last months before his passing in 2005, he says when he visits his studio for the last time: A last look at my last painting. I'm finished with this painting. The next person working on this will be the restorer.
Dutch: Een laatste blik op mijn laatste schilderij. Ik hoef hier niets meer aan te doen. De volgende hand is van de restaurator.
Little sketch of Constant's dog at Trudy's house in Utrecht, circa 2005.
A sketch for magazine Vrij Nederland after Theo van Gogh was murdered on November 2nd, 2004.
Sketch for Trudy's birthday in 2004.
An assigment for the magazine Vrij Nederland. After the murder of Theo van Gogh November 2nd, 2004.
Edition: 78 [50 & 6 e.a. A-F & 2 h.c. & II & XX]
In 2003 an etching and an embossing of Chair (1971) were created specially for the book Totaal Witte Kamer. A collection of poetry by Gerrit Kouwenaar. Only fifty numbered and signed copies have been published by Ergo Pers.
A friend on her deathbed.
the inspiration for this painting originates in October 2000 while visiting the Picasso Museum in Antibe, south of France, in preparation for his retrospective the following year. The Picasso Museum, located in former Château Grimaldi, looks out over the spectacular bay of Antibes. Constant is fascinated by the Mediterranean light and when he returns home he is inspired to start a new painting. He abandons his earthly hues for a bright sea blue palette.