Bouwen aan een nieuwe wereld

CID: 7969
Promotional article in Residence about the exhibition Bouwen aan een nieuwe wereld (Building a New World) at CODA Apeldoorn, NL. The group exhibition was inpsired by Constant's New Babylon manifesto from 1963 and featured some works by Constant amongst works by four contemporary artists.

Bouwen aan een nieuwe wereld in CODA Apeldoorn

CID: 7976
Article in Villa d'Arte about the exhibition Bouwen aan een nieuwe wereld (Building a New World) at CODA Apeldoorn, NL. The group exhibition was inpsired by Constant's New Babylon manifesto from 1963 and featured some works by Constant amongst works by four contemporary artists.

Bouwen aan een nieuwe wereld: Hedendaagse sculpturen, installaties en werken op papier

CID: 7964
Article in Kunst- en Museumkrant about the exhibition Bouwen aan een nieuwe wereld (Building a New World) at CODA Apeldoorn, NL. The group exhibition was inpsired by Constant's New Babylon manifesto from 1963 and featured some works by Constant amongst works by four contemporary artists.

Bouwen aan een nieuwe wereld: Hedendaagse sculpturen, installaties en werken op papier

CID: 7967
Article in the July/August edition of Kunstkrant about the exhibition Bouwen aan een nieuwe wereld (Building a New World) at CODA Apeldoorn, NL. The group exhibition was inpsired by Constant's New Babylon manifesto from 1963 and featured some works by Constant amongst works by four contemporary artists.

Constant: New Babylon as Trans-Media

CID: 7746
A doctoral dissertation by Yoshikazu Nangko for the University of Tokyo, 2024. See abstract and table of content in PDF below. Published in Japanes in 2024. 

De monumentale Poort van Constant wil de Westelijke Tuinsteden een gezicht geven: 'Die speelse indrukwekkendheid is heel mooi'

CID: 7541
Article in Het Parool about the sculpture Constant's Gate (De Poort van Constant), 1963 and its new status as municipal monument of Amsterdam.

Erfgoed van de Week | De Poort van Constant

CID: 7531
Article on the website of the Municipality of Amsterdam about Constant's Gate (De Poort van Constant, 1963), which stands at the entrance of sports park Ookmeer in the district of Amsterdam Nieuw-West. On January 16, 2024, the artwork received the status of 'municipal monument': a special occurrence, because, as the article states, artworks in the public space don't receive such a status all too often.

Constant's New Babylon

CID: 7937
The Soundscape of New Babylon. Artist Justin Bennett explores the role of sound in Constant’s New Babylon project in his new podcast Constant’s New Babylon on UFMC.

Dreamer | Episode 4 of Constant 1-on-1 the podcast

CID: 7705
This four-episode series dives into Constant’s practice as an artist, his life and the context in which he operated and built his oeuvre. Ans Boersma and Thijs van Elten dig into the archive and question friends, art historians and contemporary artists about the relevance of a legacy like Constant’s in today’s world. Listen here or find Constant 1-on-1 The podcast on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. Podcast website

Homo Ludens | Episode 3 of Constant 1-on-1 the podcast

CID: 7704
This four-episode series dives into Constant’s practice as an artist, his life and the context in which he operated and built his oeuvre. Ans Boersma and Thijs van Elten dig into the archive and question friends, art historians and contemporary artists about the relevance of a legacy like Constant’s in today’s world. Listen here or find Constant 1-on-1 The podcast on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. Podcast website

Designer | Episode 2 of Constant 1-on-1 the podcast

CID: 7703
This four-episode series dives into Constant’s practice as an artist, his life and the context in which he operated and built his oeuvre. Ans Boersma and Thijs van Elten dig into the archive and question friends, art historians and contemporary artists about the relevance of a legacy like Constant’s in today’s world. Listen here or find Constant 1-on-1 The podcast on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. Podcast website

Visionair | Episode 1 of Constant 1-on-1 the podcast

CID: 7702
This four-episode series dives into Constant’s practice as an artist, his life and the context in which he operated and built his oeuvre. Ans Boersma and Thijs van Elten dig into the archive and question friends, art historians and contemporary artists about the relevance of a legacy like Constant’s in today’s world. Listen here or find Constant 1-on-1 The podcast on Spotify or wherever you listen to podcasts. Podcast website

Grenzeloos en Vrij

CID: 7440
Catalogue for the exhibition Cobra 75: Freedom Without Borders from June 2 till October 8, 2023 at Cobra Museum of Modern Art in Amstelveen.

L'architecte joueur

CID: 7884
The child who plays invents worlds of his own idea. This book, the result of an exhibition, proposes to take this metaphor seriously, and to theorize the architectural creative process from the concept of "play". By crossing the psychoanalytic theories of Winnicott and the philosophies of Gadamer and Bataille, the investigation ventures into the world of play, this transitional space which is located in the mysterious interval linking our subjectivities to external reality, and which makes possible the communication of a work, its sharing between a creator and society.

We Is Future

CID: 7544
Catalogue with the exhibition of the same name at Folkwang Museum Essen, 24 November 2023 till March 17, 2024.

Inktvlekken bewonen de stad

CID: 7534
Essay 'Inktvlekken bewonen de stad' ('Ink Blots Inhabit the City'), by poet and art critic Maarten Buser. Buser draws connections between Constant's visions for New Babylon and science fiction films, to reflect on the possibility of making a film adaptation of New Babylon. The essay was printed in the 6th edition of magazine Sintel, which appeared in October of 2022. 

Het Laatste Avondmaal verrast in vele gedaanten

CID: 7187
Review by Arnold Verplancke for Brabant Cultureel of the exhibition Constant, religie, idealisme en protest at Museum Krona from March 19 till May 22, 2022. Quote from article: Klein maar fijn geldt voor deze dubbeltentoonstelling van Mamedov en Constant in Krona Uden.

Kunst rond thema’s uit de lijdenstijd komt extra binnen in oorlogstijd

CID: 7188
Review by Sophia Geuze for Nederlandsdagblad of the exhibition Constant, religie, idealisme en protest at Museum Krona from March 19 till May 22, 2022.

50 Jahre nach 50 Jahre Bauhaus

CID: 7948
On 4 May 1968, a few hours after angry student protesters in Paris had caused the Sorbonne to be evacuated, the exhibition 50 Years Bauhaus opened at the Württembergischer Kunstverein. Conceived by Herbert Bayer, Ludwig Grote, Hans Maria Wingler and Dieter Honisch, the then director of the Kunstverein, the show is still regarded as the most influential post-war exhibition on the Bauhaus.

Becoming CoBrA

CID: 7256
Catalog with the exhibition Becoming CoBrA at Kunsthalle Mannheim from 18 November 2022 till 5 March 2023.

Schenking van Dommering: le départ est arrivé

CID: 6607
A blog by head curator of the Teylers Museum in Haarlem, Terry van Druten on the collection endowment by collectors Loes and Egbert Dommering. Amongst the donation are several beautiful works by Constant, like the watercolor Le départ, 1978, and the portfolio New Babylon.

Cobra en Chaissac

CID: 7189
Catalog with the exhibition Cobra en Chaissac, zielsverwanten at Kunstmuseum Den Haag from May 8th till September 19th, 2021.

Nueva Babilonia

CID: 7173
With an introduction by Juan Pro, Professor of Contemporary History at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Sonic Imaginaries of New Babylon!

CID: 7175
The essay Sonic Imaginaries of New Babylon! Soundtrack for an Unbuilt City by Steve Taylor for the UK based platform MUSICITY analyses the sonic landscape of Constant's New Babylon.