Boumi en Constant at home, 1964

Constant and his pet monkey Boumibol (Boumi) at home, spring 1964

Boumi with an empty bottle

Constant and his pet monkey Boumibol (Boumi) at home, ca 1964. NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image

Constant and Christoph Caspari in Berlin, 1964

Berlin October 1964. NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image

Constant and his daughter, Eva, 1964

Constant and his daughter Eva, ca 1964. NB: Not available in high res!

Constant and his family and dog, 1964

Constant and his family. F.l.t.r. Victor, Constant, Olga, Eva, Martha, and Constant's third wife, Nel Kerkhoven. Their dog, German Shepherd, Herta, on the right, 1964.

Constant and his middle and youngest daughter, 1964

From left to right Olga, Martha and Constant at home on the Henri Polaklaan, 1964

Constant and his wife Nel on New Year's in Seville, 1964

Constant and his wife, Nel Kerkhoven, on New Year's in Seville, ca 1964. A cut out of Constant from this photo is used with his text in Provo 4 in 1965. NB: Not available in high res!

Constant en Boumibol, 1964

Constant and his pet monkey Boumibol (Boumi), April, 1964

Constant in Berlin, 1964

Berlin October 1964. NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image

Ellen Caspari and Nel Kerkhoven in Berlin, 1964

On the left Ellen and on the right Constant his third wife Nel Kerkhoven, Berlin 1964. NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image

Lecturing at Vernissage Krefeld, 1964

Constant lecturing at his exhibition at Vernissage Krefeld, 1964 NB: Not available in high res!Contact the website Bram Wisman for high resolution of this image.

Photo of Constant's Gate by Bram Wisman

De Poort van Constant (1963), photographed by Bram Wisman in ca. 1964.

Photo of detail of Red Sector by Bram Wisman

Detail of Rode sector (1958), photographed by Bram Wisman in 1964.        

Christian Dotremont and Constant at Museum Tervuren, 1963

Christian Dotremont and Constant at the entrance of Museum Tervuren.

Constant and Jan Elburg

Constant and Jan Elburg at Boekhandel Bas, ca 1963.

Constant and Jenö Horvath

ca 1963 - 1974 NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image.

Constant and Jenö Horvath playing the cymbalom

ca 1963 - 1974 NB: We do not have a version fit for print of this image.

Constant and Simon Vinkenoog

Constant and Simon Vinkenoog at boekhandel Bas, ca 1963