De monumentale Poort van Constant wil de Westelijke Tuinsteden een gezicht geven: 'Die speelse indrukwekkendheid is heel mooi'

Article in Het Parool about the sculpture Constant's Gate (De Poort van Constant), 1963 and its new status as municipal monument of Amsterdam.

Erfgoed van de Week | De Poort van Constant

Article on the website of the Municipality of Amsterdam about Constant's Gate (De Poort van Constant, 1963), which stands at the entrance of sports park Ookmeer in the district of Amsterdam Nieuw-West. On January 16, 2024, the artwork received the status of 'municipal monument': a special occurrence, because, as the article states, artworks in the public space don't receive such a status all too often.

Het Laatste Avondmaal verrast in vele gedaanten

Review by Arnold Verplancke for Brabant Cultureel of the exhibition Constant, religie, idealisme en protest at Museum Krona from March 19 till May 22, 2022. Quote from article: Klein maar fijn geldt voor deze dubbeltentoonstelling van Mamedov en Constant in Krona Uden.

Kunst rond thema’s uit de lijdenstijd komt extra binnen in oorlogstijd

Review by Sophia Geuze for Nederlandsdagblad of the exhibition Constant, religie, idealisme en protest at Museum Krona from March 19 till May 22, 2022.

Schenking van Dommering: le départ est arrivé

A blog by head curator of the Teylers Museum in Haarlem, Terry van Druten on the collection endowment by collectors Loes and Egbert Dommering. Amongst the donation are several beautiful works by Constant, like the watercolor Le départ, 1978, and the portfolio New Babylon.

Sonic Imaginaries of New Babylon!

The essay Sonic Imaginaries of New Babylon! Soundtrack for an Unbuilt City by Steve Taylor for the UK based platform MUSICITY analyses the sonic landscape of Constant's New Babylon.


Review of City sculptures in Amsterdam.

Kunstenaars-centrum Bergen | Nieuwe expositie geopend

Review group exposition in Het Huis met de Pilaren in 1948 organised by Kunstenaars-centrum Bergen.

Lelijke leegstand, architecten doe er iets aan!

Interview with architect Winy Maas about the Dutch Pavillion at the Architect Biennale 2018.

Kijk naar de ruimte hieronder. Is het een ruimte om te werken, of om te ontspannen?

Review of the Dutch Pavillion at the Architecure Biennale in Venice, 2018.

Gedachten aan Constant

Thoughts of Constant by Ronald Tolman, colleague and friend.

The Utopian Failure of Constant’s New Babylon

Essay on Constant’s New Babylon by Darren Jorgesen and Laetitia Wilson for Invisible Culture, 2017.

Vlijmscherpe knorrepot met feilloos gevoel voor kunst

Article on Hans Sonnenberg (1928-2017), gallerist of Gallery Delta, who died September 29, 2017 by Peter de Waard in De Volkskrant.

60 Years of Recuperation | Are the Situasionists still relevant?

Sixty years after Guy Debord, joined by a group of artists, thinkers and revolutionaries, established the Situationist International, the forms of advanced capitalism they critiqued - commodity fetishism, social alienation and the replacement of significance by spectacle - have become the bedrock of twenty-first-century society. So what is their legacy today? McKenzie Wark weighs things up.

Renewed art is not interesting for me. Why always renew art?

An interview with Constant by Mark Rappolt, 2003 in ArtForum of October, 2017

Frank Lodeizen: Bevrijd door Cobra en de Vijftigers

A preview of the book Dichter van de droge naald. Frank Lodeizen 1931-2013 by Rineke van Houten in Vrij Nederland, September 2017. A charming insight of the scene the Cobra artists and poets moved around in.

Kleine maar fijne design-expo in Eersel

Review of the exhibition Spectrum Design - van Rietveld tot Wilcke at Museum De Acht Zaligheden. Mentioning the furtniture that Constant designed for t Spectrum in 1953.

Artful Volumes: Constant: Space + Color

A book review of the catalogue Constant: Space + Color. From Cobra to New Babylon in Bookforum, summer 2017.

Baldadig minimaal

Writer/poet K. Schippers shares his memories about architects and artists surrounding Theo van Doesburg, founder of De Stijl.

Casabella 869

The architectural magazine Casabella lists the catalogue Constant. Space + Color as a good read on it's reading list in the january 2017 edition 869.