Assessment form
You have requested an assessment from Fondation Constant for the work or works of art described below, which you believe to have been created by Constant Nieuwenhuys (1920-2005). Hereafter called the "Work". All personal information will be kept confidential and requests for anonymity will be respected.
A written statement about the authentication of a work by Fondation Constant costs €200 administration fees (ex VAT). An oral statement is free.
To be able to examine the Work, we need clear colour photographs of the entire work.
The following files can be send with WetransferPlus after finalization of the form:
- a photo of the stretcher (backside)
- a photo of the signature and date
- a photo of any details, writings, stickers, comments on front or back
- Other documentation
Fondation Constant also needs all information requested in the questionnaire below.