
Fondation Constant

Van samenwerking naar absolute eenheid van de plastische kunsten

Text by Constant

This text appeared in Forum in 1955 and is part of a widespread debate during the 1950s. In this debate about collaboration among architects and visual artists, Constant stakes his position by calling for a radical amalgamation of architecture and other plastic arts. Erasing the boundaries between the various disciplines must lead to an ‘absolute unity of construction, function, form and colour’. This new art, according to Constant, will appeal to the imagination of the masses because it has an immediate function in everyday life.
1998 Translated in English From Collaboration to Absolute Unity Among the Plastic Arts by Robyn de Jong-Dalziel for Mark Wigley's Constant's New Babylon | The Hyper-Architecture of Desire.


    English title

    From Collaboration to Absolute Unity Among the Plastic Arts


    Constant Nieuwenhuys


    Forum. Maandblad voor architectuur en gebonden kunsten, vol. 10, no. 6, July-August 1955, p.207



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    Title Type Year
    New Babylon, the hyper-architecture of desire Article 1998

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