
Le Rêve | Musée Cantini Marseilles, 2016-2017


Le Rêve

Musée Cantini Marseilles
Marseille, France



From the twentieth century, the dream becomes an object of scientific study. Dissected, analyzed, classified, the mechanisms of the dream are detailed, while their true meaning remains obscure, even for those who are undoubtedly the greatest dreamers there is: the artists. Painters, sculptors and photographers will find in their nocturnal visions an inexhaustible source of inspiration, to express their fears, their fantasies and their deepest desires. The one hundred and twenty-seven works reproduced in this work, signed Odilon Redon, Félix Vallotton, Pablo Picasso, René Magritte, Marc Chagall, Hans Bellmer, Salvador Dali, Man Ray, Victor Vasarely or even Louise Bourgeois thus reveal their fanciful, strange or even extremely disturbing.


    17 September 2016 - 22 January 2017

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    Title Year
    Le cauchemar 1988