
'De Stad' als Nieuw Babylon

'De Stad' als Nieuw Babylon


Part of my work is humanising technique, like New Babylon (1959-1974) by Constant. According to Constant technique is not an alienating mode but a way to bring man closer to its nature. Homo ludens.

After Constant's vision I tried to give the viewer an impression that New Babylon exists. I showed the work on a multi screen video. On the old black and white TV one could see the images of labour and the visions on technique from the past. On the projection one could see images of modern day, modern science fiction and last the image of New Babylon over Groningen.

During the viewing people missed the fact that I had reconfigured the city Groningen. Maybe because I showed it from a birds-eye perspective. When do you really see your city from above, right? Maybe I should have used a ground perspective instead for a more effective statement.

By Dennis Molema, February 9, 2016

Academie Minerva Beeldende Kunst & Vormgeving




    Dennis Molema





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