Tom Haartsen
Title | Year |
Cobra | 1000 Days of Free Art | 2015 |
The Cobra Movement-fifty years | 1999 |
50 años del moviemiento cobra | 1997 |
Cobra hasta 12 años despues | 1994 |
Cobra hasta 12 años despues | 1994 |
Cobra 40 jaar later | 1988 |
Cobra is my mirror | 1988 |
Constant 1945-1983 | 1986 |
Cobra: 1948-1951 | 1983 |
Cobra: 1948-1951 | 1983 |
Cobra: 1948-1951 | 1982 |
Schilderijen 1940-1980 | 1980 |
Bilder, Gouachen und Plastiken von Constant Nieuwenhuys | 1966 |
Constant | schilderijen plastieken New Babylon | 1965 |
Constant • Amsterdam | 1961 |
Title | Year | Page | Number |
Cobra | 1000 Days of Free Art | 2015 | 61 | |
Highlights of the collection | 2007 | 31 | |
Hoogtepunten uit de verzameling | 2007 | 31 | |
The Cobra Movement - 50 Years | 1999 | 74 | 22 |
The Cobra Movement-fifty years | 1999 | 88 | |
50 años del moviemiento cobra | 1997 | 79 | 20 |
Cobra hasta 12 años despues | 1994 | 23 | |
Cobra Liege 93 | 1993 | 102 | 8 |
Cobra 40 jaar later | 1988 | 9 | 5 |
Cobra is my mirror | 1988 | ||
Cobra is my mirror | 1988 | ||
Constant 1945-1983 | 1986 | 27 | 9 |
Cobra: 1948-1951 | 1982 | 133 | 50 |
Constant | schilderijen 1940-1980 | 1980 | 56 | 33 |
Title | Type | Year |
Constant, avant le départ | Film | 2005 |
Schilderijen Constant teruggekocht | Article | 2002 |
Cobra, een opstand tegen de orde | Film | 1988 |
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