
Nueva Babilonia-Catédra, 2021

Nueva Babilonia

La utopía de la ciudad ideal en el siglo XX

With an introduction by Juan Pro, Professor of Contemporary History at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

The Dutch artist Constant Nieuwenhuys (1920-2005), known simply as Constant, conceived one of the most audacious utopias of the 20th century between 1956 and 1974. His project “New-Babylon” outlined the dream of an artificial habitat for a nomadic humanity, completely free to live where it wanted and how it wanted. In that society freed from the need to work thanks to machines, Neo-Babylonians could devote all their time to play and to the full development of their creativity. With this new design, the problems derived from the conception of cities and the two opposing economic systems of capitalism and “real socialism” would be overcome. This original utopia, which defied all the conventions of urbanism and architecture of its time, grew up in the idealistic climate of the sixties and had much to do with the intellectuals who inspired the student revolt of May 68. Constant embodied his idea in an extensive artistic work; but also in a manuscript that had remained unpublished until now and that is published for the first time, in Spanish, with an introductory study that places it in the coordinates of his time. Undoubtedly, many of the ideas that he raises are still valid today.

€ 22.00


    Juan Pro


    Constant Nieuwenhuys
    Juan Pro


    Virginia Maza


    Ediciones Cátedra






    Title Year Page Number ID
    Eerste schets gedeelte New Babylon 1958 26 7 1311
    Hangende sector 1961 30 8 1312
    Vogelvlucht groep sectoren [I] 1964 32 9 1313
    New Babylon/Sevilla TRIANA-GROEP 1965 34 10 1314
    New Babylon Nord 1958 35 11 1315
    Mobiele wanden 1960 37 12 1316
    Autosaurus 1965 38 13 1317
    Gezicht op New Babylonische sectoren 1971 82 22 1318
    Ode à l'Odéon 1969 86 26 1319
    Ontwerp voor een zigeunerkamp in Alba 1956 98 28 1320
    Homo Ludens 1966 99 29 1321
    Gele sector 1958 163 30 1322
    Gezicht op een sector 1960 167 31 1323
    Landschap met sectoren: Vogelvlucht [II] 1964 170 32 1324
    Rode sector 1958 171 33 1325
    Ondersteuning van een sector 1960 171 34 1326
    Schets voor een sector met een tentdak 1964 174 35 1327
    Landschap met sectoren. Vogelvlucht [III] 1964 175 36 1328
    Spatiovore [IV] 1960 179 37 1329
    Doorsnede grote gele sector [I] 1967 186 38 1330
    Portfolio NEW BABYLON 09 1963 194 39 1331
    Labyrint met trappen 1960 195 40 1332
    Interieur met trappen en deuren 1962 198 41 1333
    Constructie in oranje 1958 199 42 1334
    Sectorinterieur 1959 201 43 1335
    Oriënt sector 1959 202 44 1336
    New Babylon-Barcelona 1963 208 45 1337

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