
Le Règne Imaginal | 1 Les artistes CoBrA, 1991

Le Règne Imaginal | 1 Les artistes CoBrA


Volume 1 of 2.
This book shows a key theme in Jean-Clarence Lambert's critical reflection, which has been pursued for more than 25 years: The material imagination, a notion derived from Bachelard and first appeared in Cobra where she had played a central role. Jean-Clarence Lambert has multiplied the particular analyzes on the main Cobra artists.This critical work has as a guiding theme a notion derived from the philosopher Balechard: the material imagination, a notion that played a key role in the Cobra era, which gives its originality and coherence to Jean-Clarence Lambert's critical work, and led him to a precise conception of powers of the creative imagination, defining a reign of images in itself or imaginal reign