
Exit Utopia | Architectural Provocations 1956-76, 2005



This topical examination of a key moment in modern architecture pointedly and critically evaluates the role of the neo-avant - garde in today's world. International in scope and exhaustive in detail, the book explores important exponents of "visionary" and "utopian" architecture in the closing juncture of the modernist era, coinciding with the cultural upheavals and social transformations of the 1960s and 1970s. By revisiting "New Babylon", the magnum opus of the Dutch painter Constant Nieuwenhuys, whose vision of a situationist urban environment made him one of the most influential artists of this time, this collection of essays re-examines decisive work by Yona Friedman, the Archigram group, the Italian Radicals Superstudio and Archizoom, Koolhaas/Zenghelis and the Office for Metropolitan Architecture and Leon Krier. In-depth essays and exhaustive project documentations trace the decline of avant-garde projects in architecture. The result is a significant work of architectural theory and history, which should interest anyone studying ideologies of the past and dreaming the cities of tomorrow.


    Franziska Bollerey
    Martin van Schaik
    Betty Garrel
    Rem Koolhaas
    Yona Friedman
    Simon Sadler
    Priscilla Chapman
    Peter Cook
    Dennis Crompton
    Francoise Choay
    Sander Woertman
    Andrea Branzi
    Adolfo Natalini
    John Heintz
    Elia Zenghelis
    Lieven De Cauter
    Léon Krier
    Geert Bekeart
    Maurice Culot
    Simon Vinkenoog
    Madelon Vriesendorp


    Prestel Verlag • Munich • Berlin • London • New York







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    Title Year Page Number ID
    De rode vuist 1952 36 1 2447
    Kleurenplan 1952 40 5 2448
    Constructie met doorzichtige vlakken [I] 1954 41 6 2449
    Ontwerp voor een zigeunerkamp in Alba 1956 45 12 2450
    Nébulose mécanique [II] 1958 45 13 2451
    Groep sectoren 1959 63 11 2452
    Gezicht op New Babylonische sectoren 1971 66 15 2453
    Schets voor een sector [I] 1959 104 31 2454
    New Babylon-Ruhrgebiet 1963 111 45 2455
    New Babylon-Amsterdam [I] 1963 111 46 2456
    Gezicht op een sector 1960 112 47 2457
    Trappen en ladders 1960 112 48 2458
    Oriënt sector 1959 113 51 2461
    Sector constructie 1958 113 52 2462
    Gele sector 1958 113 49 2459
    Gele sector 1958 113 50 2460
    Vergelijkende plattegrond New Babylon Amsterdam Ookmeer 1962 114 53 2463
    Vogelvlucht groep sectoren [I] 1964 115 54 2464
    Schets voor zelfdragende constructie 1964 115 55 2465
    Diorama [II] 1962 212 1 2466
    Homo ludens 1964 214 2 2467
    Terrain vague [III] 1973 217 6 2468
    Sectoren rondom een bos 1967 224 73 2469
    Grote gele sector 1967 225 75 2470
    Ode à l'Odéon 1969 228 78 2471
    Der blaue Draufgänger 1969 229 79 2472
    Erotic Space 1971 229 80 2473
    De ontmoeting van Ubu en Justine 1975 230 81 2474
    Mekong River 1970 231 82 2475
    Verschroeide aarde [I] 1951 232 84 2477
    Ontwaakt, verworpenen der aarde! 1970 232 83 2476
    Le Massacre de My Lai 1972 233 85 2478

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