CID: 7536
A lecture by Constant at the Art Academy in Copenhagen on March 12th, 1964 translated in Danish for Signum, year 4, nr. 3, 1964.
Constant. Nieuw Babylon over ’s Gravenhage
CID: 1885
Constant. Nieuw Babylon over ’s Gravenhage in Cobouw, 25 September 1964, p. 4-5.
New Babylon
CID: 1881
New Babylon in Signum. Tidsskrift for moderne kunst, nº 4, 1964, p. 23-30.
New Babylon. Imaginäre Stadtlandschaften
CID: 1887
Text in catalogue of exhibition New Babylon. Imaginäre Stadtlandschaften, Krefeld, Museum Haus Lange, 1964.
New Babylon: Imaginäre Stadtlandschaften in cat. of the exhibition Constant 1945-1983, Bonn, Rheinisches Landesmuseum, 1986, p. 41-44.
New Babylon: an Urbanism of the Future
CID: 1882
New Babylon: an Urbanism of the Future in Architectural Design, vol. 34, nº 6, June 1964, p. 304-305.
New Babylon: Skizze zu ein Kultur
CID: 7176
New-Babylon: Skizze zu ein Kultur is an original German manuscript in collaboration with Caspari translated and adjusted by Constant. A summary of the Dutch text was published in 1974 in the exhibition catalogue at Gemeentemuseum Den Haag. Neither the original Dutch text of 125 pages nor the German manuscript of 165 pages was ever published as a whole until 2021.
Nya Babylon
CID: 1880
Nya Babylon in Paletten, vol. 25, nº 2, Copenhagen, 1964, p. 56-61.
Ny Babylon in Arkitekten. Meddelelser fra Danske Arkitekters Landsforbund, vol. 66, nº 13, June 1964, p. 280-284.
Opkomst en ondergang van de avant-garde
CID: 1884
Opkomst en ondergang van de avant-garde (Rise and fall of the avant-garde) in Randstad, nº 8, 1964, p. 6-35. Shorter version published in Nieuw Beelden Bulletin, November 1965.
English translation: The Revolution of Creative Man in New Babylon Informatief nr. 4, 1966
NEW BABYLON | An illustrated talk by Constant
CID: 2264
A lecture by Constant with an introduction by Victor Pasmore at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, 17/18 Dover Street, W.1., London, November 7, 1963 8.15 PM.
The original announcement is at the Tate Archive and Public Records Catalogue, no. TGA 8228/11.
Catalogue texts for the exhibition New Babylon | Tekeningen 1961-1962
CID: 1879
Constant and C. Caspari in cat. of the exhibition New Babylon. Tekeningen 1961-1962, Rotterdam, Galerie Delta, 1963.
Discipline or invention?
CID: 1878
Discipline or invention? unpublished manuscript for students of the Pratt-Institute, New York, 1962. Published in M. Wigley, Constant’s New Babylon. The Hyper-Architecture of Desire, Rotterdam 1998, p. 142.
CID: 1877
Neo-Babylone in L’architecture d’aujourd’hui, vol. 33, nº 102, 1962, p. 77
CID: 2704
Introduction at the lectures series Architektuur Commentaar (Architecture Criticism) by Professor ir. J.H. van den Broek at the TH Delft, The Netherlands.
Current society presented me with the choice between solitary confinement in an ivory tower or commercial slavery, I chose to revolt. I went into hiding in New-Babylon. And from my hiding place I organise a guerilla against the existing culture, or whatever is left of that. Constant in his lecture at TH Delft, 1961.
New Babylon: das experimentelle Denk-und Spielmodell
CID: 1874
New Babylon: das experimentelle Denk-und Spielmodell (New Babylon: The Experimental Think and Play Model) in cat. of the exhibition Constant Amsterdam, Bochum, Städtische Kunstgalerie, 1961, p. 3-5.
Nieuw (sic!) Babylon
CID: 1875
Nieuw (sic!) Babylon, in Delftse School, onafhankelijk blad van de bouwkundige studenten aan de TH Delft nº 2, 1961, p. 31-34
Nieuw Babylon
CID: 2278
Text for Onafhankelijk blad van de bouwkundige studenten aan de TH Delft, no. 3, pp. 1-13
Unitary Urbanisme
CID: 2775
Unpublished manuscript of a lecture at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam in 1960. Translated to English and published as Unitary Urbanism in Mark Wigley's New babylon, The Hyperatchitecture of Desire, p. 131-135.