Tom Haartsen
Title | Year | Page | Number |
Grenzeloos en Vrij | 2023 | 22 | |
WORK, BODY, LEISURE | 2018 | 86 | |
Constant, De late periode | 2008 | 70 | 83 |
Picasso, Klee en Miró | 2006 | 80 | |
In Girum Imus Nocte Et Consumimur Igni | 2006 | 14 | |
Cobra. The colour of freedom | 2003 | 105 | |
Cobra: De kleur van vrijheid | 2003 | 105 | |
Constant, Une rétrospective | 2001 | 85 | 21 |
Cobra | De weg naar spontaniteit | 2001 | 60 | 55 |
CO penhagen BR ussel A msterdam | 1997 | 125 | |
Constant: New Babylon: art et utopie: textes situationistes | 1997 | 13 | |
Constant. Schilderijen | Paintings | 1995 | 31 | |
Constant. Schilderijen | Paintings | 1995 | 88 | 19 |
Constant. Les trois espaces | 1992 | 53 | 34 |
Cobra, post Cobra | 1991 | 120 | |
Phantom Avantgarde | 1990 | 135 | 76 |
COBRA | Il contributo Olandese e i rapporti con l'Italia | 1987 | 27 | 27 |
Cobra in het Stedelijk Museum van Schiedam | 1984 | 29 | 45 |
COBRA 1948-1951 | 1982 | 99 | 41 |
Westkunst | 1981 | 396 | 368 |
Cobra: 1948-1951 | 1981 | 134 | 51 |
Constant | schilderijen 1940-1980 | 1980 | 72 | 49 |
Cobra | 1974 | 321 | |
Constant • Amsterdam | 1961 | ||
Constant | Bibliothèque d'Alexandrie Paris | 1959 | 5 |
Title | Type | Year |
Hans Locher | Museum Director | Oral history | 2016 |
Constant and Picasso | Language of War Art | Article | 1991 |
Constant, een kunstenaar van onze tijd | Film | 1965 |
Constant with painting Verschroeide aarde [III], 1951-1 | Photo | 1951 |
Constant with painting Verschroeide aarde [III], 1951-2 | Photo | 1951 |
Title | Year |
Verschroeide aarde | 1951 |
Verschroeide aarde [II] | 1951 |
Verschroeide aarde [I] | 1951 |
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